[] Colour Coordination...the Stokke Lovers way | Stokke Lovers

Colour Coordination...the Stokke Lovers way

Frequent readers of this blog will know that we are all for colour coordination but what comes first - the outfit or the Stokke Xplory?  Faced with a number of textile choices and winter kits for the Stokke Xplory, is that how we must approach this task?  Or do we choose the outfit first, with the textiles to follow as a natural consequence...?

The thought came to me this weekend when, out without my Stokke Xplory (and therefore free styling when it came to colour coordination), dark navy textiles and, dare I say it, a red winter kit, would complement this outfit beautifully.

So how do you approach colour coordination...the Stokke Lovers Way?  Do you buy textiles to suit your child's clothes? Or do you choose clothes to match your Stokke collection? We'd love to know...

Stokke Lovers Fashion

Ellis wears...
Bobble hat - Armani
Duck-down gilet - Ralph Lauren
Cardigan - Petit Bateau
Jeans - Gap
Desert boots - Timberland
Banana - Model's own